Our Tailwind CSS pagination can be used to show a user how to navigate between different pages of table or a group of elements.

Below we are presenting our examples of pagination component build using Button, IconButton and ButtonGroup components that you can use in your Tailwind CSS and React project.

Examples on this page are using @heroicons/react make sure you have installed it.

npm i @heroicons/react

Circular Pagination

Use the example below to create a pagination with circular buttons shape.

import React from "react";
import { Button, IconButton } from "@material-tailwind/react";
import { ArrowRightIcon, ArrowLeftIcon } from "@heroicons/react/24/outline";
export function CircularPagination() {
  const [active, setActive] = React.useState(1);
  const getItemProps = (index) =>
      variant: active === index ? "filled" : "text",
      color: "gray",
      onClick: () => setActive(index),
      className: "rounded-full",
    } as any);
  const next = () => {
    if (active === 5) return;
    setActive(active + 1);
  const prev = () => {
    if (active === 1) return;
    setActive(active - 1);
  return (
    <div className="flex items-center gap-4">
        className="flex items-center gap-2 rounded-full"
        disabled={active === 1}
        <ArrowLeftIcon strokeWidth={2} className="h-4 w-4" /> Previous
      <div className="flex items-center gap-2">
        <IconButton {...getItemProps(1)}>1</IconButton>
        <IconButton {...getItemProps(2)}>2</IconButton>
        <IconButton {...getItemProps(3)}>3</IconButton>
        <IconButton {...getItemProps(4)}>4</IconButton>
        <IconButton {...getItemProps(5)}>5</IconButton>
        className="flex items-center gap-2 rounded-full"
        disabled={active === 5}
        <ArrowRightIcon strokeWidth={2} className="h-4 w-4" />

Simple Pagination

Use the example below to create a simple and minimal pagination.

Page 1 of 10

import React from "react";
import { IconButton, Typography } from "@material-tailwind/react";
import { ArrowRightIcon, ArrowLeftIcon } from "@heroicons/react/24/outline";
export function SimplePagination() {
  const [active, setActive] = React.useState(1);
  const next = () => {
    if (active === 10) return;
    setActive(active + 1);
  const prev = () => {
    if (active === 1) return;
    setActive(active - 1);
  return (
    <div className="flex items-center gap-8">
        disabled={active === 1}
        <ArrowLeftIcon strokeWidth={2} className="h-4 w-4" />
      <Typography color="gray" className="font-normal">
        Page <strong className="text-gray-900">{active}</strong> of{" "}
        <strong className="text-gray-900">10</strong>
        disabled={active === 10}
        <ArrowRightIcon strokeWidth={2} className="h-4 w-4" />

Pagination Group

Use the example below to create a pagination that uses ButtonGroup for creating a group pagination.

import React from "react";
import { IconButton, ButtonGroup } from "@material-tailwind/react";
import { ArrowRightIcon, ArrowLeftIcon } from "@heroicons/react/24/outline";
export function PaginationGroup() {
  const [active, setActive] = React.useState(1);
  const getItemProps = (index) => ({
    className: active === index ? "bg-gray-100 text-gray-900" : "",
    onClick: () => setActive(index),
  const next = () => {
    if (active === 5) return;
    setActive(active + 1);
  const prev = () => {
    if (active === 1) return;
    setActive(active - 1);
  return (
    <ButtonGroup variant="outlined">
      <IconButton onClick={prev}>
        <ArrowLeftIcon strokeWidth={2} className="h-4 w-4" />
      <IconButton {...getItemProps(1)}>1</IconButton>
      <IconButton {...getItemProps(2)}>2</IconButton>
      <IconButton {...getItemProps(3)}>3</IconButton>
      <IconButton {...getItemProps(4)}>4</IconButton>
      <IconButton {...getItemProps(5)}>5</IconButton>
      <IconButton onClick={next}>
        <ArrowRightIcon strokeWidth={2} className="h-4 w-4" />

Explore More Tailwind CSS Examples

Check out more pagination examples from Material Tailwind Blocks.