Tailwind CSS Typography - React

Use our Tailwind CSS Typography to present your website/web app as clearly and efficiently as possible.

Below we are presenting a simple Typography component example. It comes in different styles and colors, so you can adapt it easily to your needs.

Material Tailwind is an easy to use components library for Tailwind CSS and Material Design. It provides a simple way to customize your components, you can change the colors, fonts, breakpoints and everything you need.

import { Typography } from "@material-tailwind/react";
export function TypographyDefault() {
  return (
      Material Tailwind is an easy to use components library for Tailwind CSS
      and Material Design. It provides a simple way to customize your
      components, you can change the colors, fonts, breakpoints and everything
      you need.

Typography Variants

The Typography component comes with 9 different variants that you can change it using the variant prop.

Material Tailwind

Material Tailwind

Material Tailwind

Material Tailwind

Material Tailwind
Material Tailwind

Material Tailwind is an easy to use components library for Tailwind CSS and Material Design. It provides a simple way to customize your components, you can change the colors, fonts, breakpoints and everything you need.

Material Tailwind is an easy to use components library for Tailwind CSS and Material Design. It provides a simple way to customize your components, you can change the colors, fonts, breakpoints and everything you need.

Material Tailwind is an easy to use components library for Tailwind CSS and Material Design. It provides a simple way to customize your components, you can change the colors, fonts, breakpoints and everything you need.

import { Typography } from "@material-tailwind/react";
export function TypographyVariants() {
  return (
      <Typography variant="h1">Material Tailwind</Typography>
      <Typography variant="h2">Material Tailwind</Typography>
      <Typography variant="h3">Material Tailwind</Typography>
      <Typography variant="h4">Material Tailwind</Typography>
      <Typography variant="h5">Material Tailwind</Typography>
      <Typography variant="h6">Material Tailwind</Typography>
      <Typography variant="lead">
        Material Tailwind is an easy to use components library for Tailwind CSS
        and Material Design. It provides a simple way to customize your
        components, you can change the colors, fonts, breakpoints and everything
        you need.
      <Typography variant="paragraph">
        Material Tailwind is an easy to use components library for Tailwind CSS
        and Material Design. It provides a simple way to customize your
        components, you can change the colors, fonts, breakpoints and everything
        you need.
      <Typography variant="small">
        Material Tailwind is an easy to use components library for Tailwind CSS
        and Material Design. It provides a simple way to customize your
        components, you can change the colors, fonts, breakpoints and everything
        you need.

Typography Colors

The Typography component comes with 23 different colors that you can change it using the color prop.

Material Tailwind

Material Tailwind

Material Tailwind

Material Tailwind

import { Typography } from "@material-tailwind/react";
export function TypographyColors() {
  return (
      <Typography variant="h1" color="blue-gray">
        Material Tailwind
      <Typography variant="h1" color="blue">
        Material Tailwind
      <Typography variant="h1" color="red">
        Material Tailwind
      <Typography variant="h1" color="green">
        Material Tailwind

Typography Gradient Colors

You can change the Typography text color into a gradient color using the textGradient prop.

Material Tailwind

import { Typography } from "@material-tailwind/react";
export function TypographyGradientColor() {
  return (
    <Typography variant="h1" color="blue" textGradient>
      Material Tailwind

Typography Props

The following props are available for typography component. These are the custom props that we've added for the typography component and you can use all the other native props as well.

variantVariantChange typography variantparagraph
colorColorChange typography colorinherit
textGradientbooleanChange typography color into a gradient colorfalse
aselementChange the typography rendered elementundefined
classNamestringAdd custom className for typography''
childrennodeAdd content for typographyNo default value it's a required prop.

For TypeScript Only

import type { TypographyProps } from "@material-tailwind/react";

Types - Variant

type variant =
  | "h1"
  | "h2"
  | "h3"
  | "h4"
  | "h5"
  | "h6"
  | "lead"
  | "paragraph"
  | "small";

Types - Color

type color =
  | "inherit"
  | "current"
  | "black"
  | "white"
  | "blue-gray"
  | "gray"
  | "brown"
  | "deep-orange"
  | "orange"
  | "amber"
  | "yellow"
  | "lime"
  | "light-green"
  | "green"
  | "teal"
  | "cyan"
  | "light-blue"
  | "blue"
  | "indigo"
  | "deep-purple"
  | "purple"
  | "pink"
  | "red";

Typography Theme

Learn how to customize the theme and styles for typography component, the theme object for typography component has three main objects:

A. The defaultProps object for setting up the default value for props of typography component.
B. The valid object for customizing the valid values for typography component props.
C. The styles object for customizing the theme and styles of typography component.

You can customize the theme and styles of typography component by adding Tailwind CSS classes as key paired values for objects.

Typography Theme Object Type

interface TypographyStylesType {
  defaultProps: {
    variant: string;
    color: string;
    as: string;
    textGradient: boolean;
    className: string;
  valid: {
    variants: string[];
    colors: string[];
  styles: {
    variants: {
      h1: object;
      h2: object;
      h3: object;
      h4: object;
      h5: object;
      h6: object;
      lead: object;
      paragraph: object;
      small: object;
    textGradient: object;
    colors: object;

For TypeScript Only

import type { TypographyStylesType } from "@material-tailwind/react";

Typography Theme Customization

const theme = {
  typography: {
    defaultProps: {
      variant: "paragraph",
      color: "inherit",
      textGradient: false,
      className: "",
    valid: {
      variants: [
      colors: [
    styles: {
      variants: {
        h1: {
          display: "block",
          fontSmoothing: "antialiased",
          letterSpacing: "tracking-normal",
          fontFamily: "font-sans",
          fontSize: "text-5xl",
          fontWeight: "font-semibold",
          lineHeight: "leading-tight",
        h2: {
          display: "block",
          fontSmoothing: "antialiased",
          letterSpacing: "tracking-normal",
          fontFamily: "font-sans",
          fontSize: "text-4xl",
          fontWeight: "font-semibold",
          lineHeight: "leading-[1.3]",
        h3: {
          display: "block",
          fontSmoothing: "antialiased",
          letterSpacing: "tracking-normal",
          fontFamily: "font-sans",
          fontSize: "text-3xl",
          fontWeight: "font-semibold",
          lineHeight: "leading-snug",
        h4: {
          display: "block",
          fontSmoothing: "antialiased",
          letterSpacing: "tracking-normal",
          fontFamily: "font-sans",
          fontSize: "text-2xl",
          fontWeight: "font-semibold",
          lineHeight: "leading-snug",
        h5: {
          display: "block",
          fontSmoothing: "antialiased",
          letterSpacing: "tracking-normal",
          fontFamily: "font-sans",
          fontSize: "text-xl",
          fontWeight: "font-semibold",
          lineHeight: "leading-snug",
        h6: {
          display: "block",
          fontSmoothing: "antialiased",
          letterSpacing: "tracking-normal",
          fontFamily: "font-sans",
          fontSize: "text-base",
          fontWeight: "font-semibold",
          lineHeight: "leading-relaxed",
        lead: {
          display: "block",
          fontSmoothing: "antialiased",
          fontFamily: "font-sans",
          fontSize: "text-xl",
          fontWeight: "font-normal",
          lineHeight: "leading-relaxed",
        paragraph: {
          display: "block",
          fontSmoothing: "antialiased",
          fontFamily: "font-sans",
          fontSize: "text-base",
          fontWeight: "font-light",
          lineHeight: "leading-relaxed",
        small: {
          display: "block",
          fontSmoothing: "antialiased",
          fontFamily: "font-sans",
          fontSize: "text-sm",
          fontWeight: "font-light",
          lineHeight: "leading-normal",
      textGradient: {
        bgClip: "bg-clip-text",
        color: "text-transparent",
      colors: {
        inherit: {
          color: "text-inherit",
        current: {
          color: "text-current",
        black: {
          color: "text-black",
        white: {
          color: "text-white",
        "blue-gray": {
          color: "text-blue-gray-900",
          gradient: "bg-gradient-to-tr from-blue-gray-600 to-blue-gray-400",
        gray: {
          color: "text-gray-700",
          gradient: "bg-gradient-to-tr from-gray-600 to-gray-400",
        brown: {
          color: "text-brown-500",
          gradient: "bg-gradient-to-tr from-brown-600 to-brown-400",
        "deep-orange": {
          color: "text-deep-orange-500",
          gradient: "bg-gradient-to-tr from-deep-orange-600 to-deep-orange-400",
        orange: {
          color: "text-orange-500",
          gradient: "bg-gradient-to-tr from-orange-600 to-orange-400",
        amber: {
          color: "text-amber-500",
          gradient: "bg-gradient-to-tr from-amber-600 to-amber-400",
        yellow: {
          color: "text-yellow-500",
          gradient: "bg-gradient-to-tr from-yellow-600 to-yellow-400",
        lime: {
          color: "text-lime-500",
          gradient: "bg-gradient-to-tr from-lime-600 to-lime-400",
        "light-green": {
          color: "text-light-green-500",
          gradient: "bg-gradient-to-tr from-light-green-600 to-light-green-400",
        green: {
          color: "text-green-500",
          gradient: "bg-gradient-to-tr from-green-600 to-green-400",
        teal: {
          color: "text-teal-500",
          gradient: "bg-gradient-to-tr from-teal-600 to-teal-400",
        cyan: {
          color: "text-cyan-500",
          gradient: "bg-gradient-to-tr from-cyan-600 to-cyan-400",
        "light-blue": {
          color: "text-light-blue-500",
          gradient: "bg-gradient-to-tr from-light-blue-600 to-light-blue-400",
        blue: {
          color: "text-blue-500",
          gradient: "bg-gradient-to-tr from-blue-600 to-blue-400",
        indigo: {
          color: "text-indigo-500",
          gradient: "bg-gradient-to-tr from-indigo-600 to-indigo-400",
        "deep-purple": {
          color: "text-deep-purple-500",
          gradient: "bg-gradient-to-tr from-deep-purple-600 to-deep-purple-400",
        purple: {
          color: "text-purple-500",
          gradient: "bg-gradient-to-tr from-purple-600 to-purple-400",
        pink: {
          color: "text-pink-500",
          gradient: "bg-gradient-to-tr from-pink-600 to-pink-400",
        red: {
          color: "text-red-500",
          gradient: "bg-gradient-to-tr from-red-600 to-red-400",

Explore More Tailwind CSS Examples

Check out more typography examples from Material Tailwind Blocks:

Hero Blocks
Feature Blocks
Content Blocks
Blog Templates